How Long Should You Keep Your Mattress?

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Mattresses can be quite costly.

That’s why plenty of consumers are reluctant to replace their mattresses despite them not delivering the comfort and support they did before.

The lifespan of mattresses varies, so many are asking how long should you keep your mattress.

With that in mind, let’s learn about the longevity of mattresses and other related topics.

Signs Your Mattress Need Replacing

As implied, there’s no definite number of years to determine that you already need to dispose of your mattress.

However, there are a number of situations you can use as indicators that you need to shop for a new one.

1. Bed Bug Infestation

Buying a new mattress whenever you encounter bed bugs crawling in your bed is not a good practice.

Not only is it uneconomical, but mattresses are not the only breeding grounds for bed bugs.

From floors, other furniture, and even the walls, there’s a good chance that your bed bugs problem came from those areas.

However, if you’re confident that you don’t encounter bed bugs in those areas and made all the actions in determining so, it’s time for a new mattress.

While there’s minimal to no chance that you’ll get a severe disease from bed bugs, your quality of sleep and skin could suffer if left unresolved.

2. Mold and Mildew Growth

Spore exposure can lead to medical problems, particularly for already ill individuals or those who suffer from allergies.

Mold under your mattress is particularly dangerous since you have a lengthy bedtime and are more exposed than in other parts of the house.

Mold exposure is generally apparent via allergy-like symptoms, such as headaches, red and itchy eyes, congestion, and fatigue.

It might be the mold or mildew exposure causing the symptoms when you have these symptoms, particularly soon after you get up.

There’s plenty of methods for removing mold and mildew.

Still, when these spores are entirely visible on the surface, it’s better to purchase a new mattress instead.

3. Saggy Mattress

Mattresses are generally manufactured out of cotton, foam, wool, memory foam, or similar substances.

Regardless of the mattress material, it will eventually lose its density.

You may not immediately notice any changes on your mattress if you’re using it regularly.

However, once the cushioning quality is evident and starts to affect your sleep, it’s time to replace it.

4. Noisy Springs

When you are constantly bothered by squeaky noises from your box spring mattress, it means that the coils are worn out.

Coils are the main component in box spring mattresses that provide the necessary support.

There are remedies that you can do to refurbish the squeaky coils.

Nonetheless, all of them will sustain wear and tear damages that will be too much of a bother to repair.

If you’re experiencing noises from your mattress, even from the slightest pressure, there’s little to no incentive to keep using it.

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5. Body Pains After Use

When mattresses lose the integrity of their structure, they also lose their capability of supporting your weight properly.

The stress spots, such as the hips, the lower back, the neck, and the head, are particularly affected.

Once your body is not getting the support it needs, it will compensate by constantly changing your sleep position.

When this is a common occurrence, it will result in body pains when you wake up.

In some cases, it will even shorten your sleep because of such pains, negatively impacting your rest.

To avoid or minimize this inconvenience, invest in a new mattress that features premium support.

6. Worsening Allergies or Asthma Attacks

It is common for dust mites and other allergens to take refuge in mattresses.

When too many of them are present in your mattress, it could trigger allergies and asthma attacks.

Mattress maintenance, such as regular cleaning and vacuuming, could help reduce these deterrents.

However, if there’s no apparent improvement in your symptoms after some time, you may need to get a new mattress.

7. Loss of Comfort

Whenever we buy a new mattress, arguably the primary factor we consider is comfort.

As such, when you feel that you’re not getting the same level of comfort it once has, it could indicate that you need to purchase a new mattress.

Loss of comfort might result in lower sleep quality, leading to some serious health issues.

For people who have trouble sleeping, attempting to rest in an uncomfortable mattress might even lead to insomnia.

To avoid these issues, don’t hesitate to buy a new, comfortable mattress.

Mattress Warranty

Besides knowing how long should you keep your mattress, it’s also essential to be aware of its warranty coverage.

If you feel that your mattress has a shorter service life than others, you might want to check its warranty and confirm if it’s eligible or not.

Considering this aspect, you could replace your mattress with little to no cost.

With that in mind, let’s identify the types of warranties for mattresses.

Types of Mattress Warranty

There are three common types of mattress warranty: prorated, non-prorated, and combination.

When shopping for a new mattress, ensure that you are aware of the coverage and its conditions.


The prorated coverage means that the owner covers a specific proportion of repair and replacement expenses.

In most situations, until the warranty lapses, the amount paid by the owner for prorated coverage will increase annually.

Over time, the value of the warranty decreases due to the increased payments, which could make the coverage obsolete for the mattress owner.


The expense of repairing or replacement of a faulty mattress throughout the warranty terms is generally not shouldered by the mattress owner.

However, other payables, such as shipping fees for RTM (Return to Manufacturer), are usually covered.

Contrary to prorated warranty, the value of a non-prorated warranty is fixed until the coverage expires.


As the name implies, a combination warranty is a mix of prorated and non-prorated.

For example, you can purchase a mattress with a five-year warranty.

You can then have a non-prorated warranty for the first three years and then prorated for the remaining two years.

It’s relatively common to see various combination warranties on different mattress manufacturers.

How Long Should You Keep Your Mattress?

Replacing a mattress should not always be a regular occurrence.

Make sure you do proper cleaning and maintenance to save time and money from the hassle of buying a new mattress sooner than expected.

Using a mattress topper or protector could also prolong its service life.

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